The research of the Optical Metrology Group (OMG) centers on optical metrology and sensing, ultimately aiming to develop experiments sensitive enough to track time variations of fundamental constants. To that end, we are working on novel schemes in broadband precision spectroscopy and light-matter interaction of structured light. Our research includes work on low-noise (mid-IR) fiber lasers, mid-IR supermirrors, environmentally stable single-cavity dual-combs, and frequency combs in general.


The members of the Optical Metrology Group.



We are excited to share that two of our PhD students have successfully passed the public presentation of their dissertation projects in front of the...


Welcome Oskar and thank you for joining our research efforts!

17.02.2025 14:00

Zofia Bejm from the ETH Zurich, Switzerland will give a talk on "Cepstral Analysis for Cross-Comb Spectroscopy with a Single-Cavity Dual-Comb Optical...