10.01.2020 10:15

Valentina Shumakova from the Photonics Institute at the Vienna University of Technology will talk about "Self-compression and nonlinear propagation of...

08.01.2020 14:15

Philipp C. Schmid from JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder will talk about "Probing cold molecules in the gas-phase - one...


The CDL-midIR is proud to announce our new research collaboration with Thorlabs.


Wir gratulieren Jakob Fellinger zum “Outstanding Runner-up Student Oral Presentation Award” der "Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference 2019"


New Publication

Tunable dual-comb from an all-polarization-maintaining single-cavity dual-color Yb:fiber laser.

Fellinger, Jakob; Mayer, Aline; Winkler, Georg;...


Welcome Willi and thank you for joining the team!